Mo Beigi
Hi, I'm Mo! Welcome to my online portfolio. Dive into my programming blog and reach out if you're up for a chat.
Source code for the website.
Contributions are always welcome! Just make a pull request.
All rights reserved.
Available Scripts
yarn dev
Runs the app in development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will hot reload as you make changes.
You will also see standard output in the terminal.
yarn build
Builds the app for production.
It correctly bundles the Next.js app and optimizes the build for the best performance on production.
yarn start
Starts the Next.js app in production mode using the built-in Next.js server.
yarn start-server
Starts the Next.js app in production mode using a Node.js server.
yarn test
Runs all of the unit tests.
yarn lint
Run ESLint against all source files.
yarn clean
Clean up temporary directories like node_modules
and .next